crssWonderfully Strange Oil Painting and Drawing from Alessandro Sicioldr
Sicioldr is an italian painter and illustrator born in 1990 in Tarquinia, living and working in Perugia. He works mainly with oil paint, pencils and coloured pencils. His subjects are surreal images coming from unconscious that he represents using a blend of contemporary and traditional techniques. His visionary attitude began to sprout in early childhood, when he used to depict in his drawings strange and uncanny worlds. These early manifestations brought a scared kindergarten teacher to call his parents, asking for an exorcism. He studied and worked under his father’s guidance in his classical painting atelier where he learned not only how to paint but how to prepare wood with Cennino Cennini’s technique, how to mix and grind pigments and how to build and decorate custom frames. In 2014 he moved to his personal atelier. His inspirations often comes from his dreamy visions and from studies of art history, psychology, mythology, philosophy, literature and science.
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