Monday, August 4, 2014

Home for Life's Unstoppable Animals


Nino was a puppy in Mexico who was attacked by a group of teen boys. They severely damaged his back-half before he was rescued and transported to Home for Life. He has a cart, but sometimes gets along just fine on two legs.

Nino, Gavin Rossdale and Gwen Stefani

When Nino was travelling to Home for Life from Mexico, his fame was shared by another pair of stars, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale!

This cat is a sharp dresser. He has malformed bones that sometimes cause him to scoot around, so he wears shirts to keep from rubbing his skin.


Here is another photo of Indi. She was attacked by a gang in the streets, and had a monk intercede on her behalf. Thanks to support from around the globe, she was able to travel to Home for Life and enjoy the care she deserves.

Meesha is a bright, playful girl who loves to meet with visitors. She was born with an entropic urethra, and her family could not keep her.

Here's Candy, playing hide and seek

Goliath is our resident tortoise, enjoying a grape!

Goliath goes wherever he pleases, sometimes overtaking the cat couches.

veryone loves Goliath, especially the children he visits at the Tubman Family Alliance for families seeking shelter from domestic abuse situations. Over 1,000 children every year receive special visits from Home for Life's critters.

Dodi is one of our most popular therapy pets involved in "Sit, Stay, Heal," and she loves getting all the attention from hospital patients who benefit from her visits.

Dodi has epilepsy, but loves to give a little extra love to anyone who she meets.

Celeste is a blind cat with Feline Leukemia, but that doesn't stop her from being a great therapy pet for children overcoming domestic violence. She loves snuggling up to anyone who needs a cuddle.


This is Sammy, a spunky cocker spaniel who LOVES to visit the elderly in nursing homes. Here he is snuggling with one of his favorite people to visit.


This is Tiger, a dog whose previous owners neglected him so severely that his malnutrition caused his bones to grow deformed. Thanks to volunteer vets, he has undergone many surgeries that now allow him to walk and play. Here he is participating in the "Renaissance Program," an outreach program where at-risk teens learn how to train dogs and encourage positive interactions with animals and their peers.

Another one of Home for Life's dogs participating in the Renaissance Program, and doing very well! Over 130 teens have participated in this program since it was founded.

Here is Ashley in the winter time. You can see that her disability doesn't stop her from having fun.

Here is Polar giving his adorable cross-eyed look.

Here is Indi during her time in the Apple River.

Here is Indi after a cool dip in the Apple River attached to Home for Life. She loves to swim, as she can get around without using her paralyzed back legs, and without a cart!

Ingrid is a lovely calico with a missing front leg. Though she is shy, most likely from whatever trauma lost her a leg, she is still a sweetheart and great lap cat.

One of our adorable wheelie-dogs enjoying the meadows at Home for Life.

This is Benjamin Button, a rescue from a hoarding situation. His legs are deformed, and his little snub nose needed to have surgery on it so that he could breathe more easily. Now that he receives proper care, he has become very affectionate and happy to snuggle up with anyone who joins him on his favorite chair.

The animals at Home for Life often take dips in the Apple River adjacent to the grounds. This keeps them cool, and allows some of the paraplegic animals to rest their sore limbs in the supportive water.

Agatha is a gorgeous Persian who was abandoned by her family when they left their home with no warning. With no one to care for her, she wandered the streets and was eventually hit by a car. She broke both back legs and her pelvis. After undergoing surgery, she has gone back to her original sassy personality.

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