Thursday, September 3, 2015

really-shit: INEBRI-NATION (Les Baker V) Interesting series...





Hard Liquor






Interesting series including overlapping images of individuals using drugs with related images to that specific drug. Click on the photos to reveal the identity.

Humans have been finding ways to alter their minds for thousands of years. The culture constantly evolves; from picking wild berries and fermenting them in a gatherer’s pouch to collecting mushrooms filled with psilocybin. Millions of dollars are spent on research and development of pills from pharmaceutical companies, while at the same time a guy is in his garage using household chemicals in a dangerous homemade lab.

A spiritual journey, relaxation, concentration, and recreational enjoyment are among the many reasons people use to explain the urge to alter their conscious mind. The government has played an integral part in the movement to criminalize drugs; including waging “wars” on certain substances while making others widely and easily assessable. Drugdealers have also evolved from scary individuals on street corners to well respected doctors adding to their existing wealth.

The individuals featured in this series showcase the diversity of those who use mind altering substances. They include students, servers, doctors, soldiers, lawyers, politicians, mothers, fathers, artists, teachers, police officers, firefighters, and judges. via

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