Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bored Students Doodling In Their Textbooks Has Never Been So Hilarious (22 Pics)

As a bored student in a less-than-thrilling class, there are few options to keep you entertained. You can sleep, which is frowned upon. You can skip class, which is only legal in college. The most viable option of passing the time in a tiresome class is to doodle to your heart's content. While most people who doodle like to keep things original and make their own pieces, a select group of bored students tend to use their imagination and enhance what is already in their textbooks.

There goes his hairpiece.

A horrendous realization.

You can certainly sense that.

Now pitching for the Yankees...

It's an inconvenient truth.


Mind blown.

Om nom nom nom.

These are some unrealistic beauty standards for women.

That's gotta hurt.

Selfie time.

What a serve!

Uh oh.

Where did that come from?

Oh, anatomy.


7 days...

Watch out!

The force is strong with this one.

Now that's metal.

Get back down there.

Easy breezy.

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