Sunday, February 20, 2011

female officer poses for facebook in front of palestinian prisioners

These photos were taken by a young female Israeli soldier. They were posted on Facebook in an album titled "IDF...The best time of my life :)".

The photos were posted by Eden Abergil, a young Israeli woman who finished her military service over a year ago. They show the uniformed officer smiling and posing next to bound and blindfolded Palestinian soldiers.

More photos from the album : "IDF... the best time of my life"

Vertical VIllage Offers Enhoyable VIllage Living Without Occupying Plenty of Lands

The main focus of designing Vertical Village concept was to enjoy village living without taking a lot of lands that we usually see in traditional villages which can be realized pretty easily with the massive structure of the concept. The houses are envisioned as cells with largest possible usable area both in vertical and horizontal direction, based on their project done in The Why Factory studio of professor Winy Maas, at the TU Delft. The system has defined both practical and dramatic spaces to make a bridge between orthogonal surfaces and irregular zones that may be required by the residents for different purposes. The 3D plots give each family the opportunity to choose where and how they would like to place their house. The circular cell design has made it possible. Finally, the concept will certainly have some positive effect on the massive land crisis mankind is going to experience in near future.

Designers : Rajiv Sewtahal, Yushang Zhang, Riemer Postma, and Qianqian Cai

vertical village

vertical village

vertical village

vertical village

vertical village

vertical village

vertical village

olexa mann - art

Recojo una muestra de los trabajos de este artista ucraniano "Olexa Mann", si te gusta su estilo pásate por su espacio en livejournal.