Monday, February 28, 2011

caitriona sweeney - art

Recojo una muestra de los trabajos de esta artista irlandesa "Caitriona Sweeney", si te gustan pásate por su espacio en Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. What Is Dynamics 365 Business Central for IWs?

    Dynamics 365 Business Central is a management solution designed to help small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) manage various business processes. If you’re currently thinking about purchasing a license for Business Central, Microsoft provides a way for organizations to evaluate the product.The term "IW" stands for information worker. Information workers are those individuals assigned to one of the 10,000 licenses provided to trial users of Business Central.If you’re working with new users, you’ll need to assign user groups and permissions. Permissions are assigned to specific database objects. You must assign your Dynamics 365 Business Central for IWs users to at least one permission set before they’re allowed access to Business Central.
