Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 Mysteries of the First Humans

Humans are unique among life on this planet, and much remains a mystery as to how we evolved. What steps came first? Why did we evolve this way and not that direction? Why are we the only human species left? What other paths might we have gone down in our evolution? And what directions might we go from here?

10. Where do modern humans come from?

The most bitterly debated question in the discipline of human evolution is likely over where modern humans evolved. The out-of-Africa hypothesis maintains that modern humans evolved relatively recently in Africa and then spread around the world, replacing existing populations of archaic humans. The multiregional hypothesis contends that modern humans evolved over a broad area from archaic humans, with populations in different regions mating with their neighbors to share traits, resulting in the evolution of modern humans. The out-of-Africa hypothesis currently holds the lead, but proponents of the multiregional hypothesis remain strong in their views.

9. Who was the first hominid?

Scientists are uncovering more and more ancient hominids all the time -- here meaning bipeds including humans, our direct ancestors and closest relatives. They strive to find the earliest one, to help answer that most fundamental question in human evolution -- what adaptations made us human, and in what order did they happen?

8. Did we have sex with Neanderthals?

Did we interbreed? Does our species possess any genes leftover from our extinct cousins? Scientists have suggested that perhaps the Neanderthals did not die out, but instead were absorbed were absorbed into modern humanity.

7. Why did modern humanity expand past Africa about 50,000 years ago?

Roughly 50,000 years ago, modern humans expanded out of Africa, spreading rapidly across most of the world's lands to colonize all continents except Antarctica, reaching even the most remote Pacific islands. A number of scientists conjecture this migration was linked with a mutation that transformed our brains, leading to our modern, complex use of language and enabling more sophisticated tools, art and societies. The more popular view suggests hints of such modern behavior existed long before this exodus, and that humanity instead had crossed a threshold in terms of population size in Africa that made such a revolution possible.

6. What is the hobbit?

Is the 'hobbit' -- the nickname given to diminutive skeletons found on the Indonesian isle of Flores in 2003 -- in fact an extinct human species, enough to be called Homo floresiensis? Are these skeletons just examples of deformed Homo sapiens? Are they a different species than us, but perhaps not an extinct human species and instead as separate as chimpanzees are? Solving this mystery could help shed light on the radical paths human evolution may have taken.

5. Is human evolution accelerating?

Recent evidence suggests that humanity is not only still evolving, but that human evolution is actually accelerating, speeding up to 100 times historical levels after agriculture spread. A number of scientists challenge the strength of this evidence, saying that it remains difficult to ascertain whether or not certain genes really have recently grown in prominence because they offer some adaptive benefit. Still, if human evolution is accelerating, the question becomes why? Diet and diseases may be some of the pressures that caused humans to change.

4. Why did our closest relatives go extinct?

Roughly 24,000 years ago, our species, Homo sapiens, was not alone in the world -- our closest relatives, the Neanderthals, (Homo neanderthalensis) were still alive. The so-called 'hobbit' found in Indonesia might also have been a member of the genus Homo, and it apparently survived until as recently as 12,000 years ago. So why did they die and we survive? Did infections or radical shifts in their environments kill them off? Or did our species do away with them? Some evidence exists for both scenarios, but no conclusion is agreed upon.

3. What happened to our hair?

Humans are unique for looking naked compared to our hairier ape cousins. So why did this nakedness evolve? One suggestion is that our ancestors shed hairiness to keep cool when venturing across the hot savannahs of Africa. Another is that losing our fur coats helped free us parasite infestations and the diseases they can spread. One unorthodox idea even suggests human nakedness developed after our ancestors briefly adapted for a streamlined life in the water, although most aquatic mammals of roughly human size actually possess dense fur.

2. Why do humans walk on two legs?

Our ancestors evolved an upright posture well before our large brains or stone tools even appeared. The question, then: Why stand and walk on two legs when our ape cousins get by on four limbs? Walking as bipeds might actually use less energy than movement on all fours does. Freeing up the arms might also have enabled our ancestors to carry more food. Standing upright might even have helped them control their temperature better by reducing the amount of skin directly exposed to the sun.

1. Why did we grow large brains?

There is no question that our large brains have provided humans an extraordinary advantage in the world. Still, the human brain is an incredibly expensive organ, taking up only about 2 percent of the body's mass yet using more than a fifth of the body's energy, and until about 2 million years ago none of our ancestors had a brain larger than an ape's when compared to body size. So what kicked off the push for a larger brain? One possibility is that increased smarts helped our ancestors make better tools. Another is that larger brains helped us interact better with each other. Perhaps radical changes in the environment also demanded that our ancestors deal with a shifting world.


  1. how can evolution be accelerating if gestation time and the age of sexual maturity are the same( and so the time between generations is the same)?

  2. evolution has nothing to do with the amount of time in between gestation periods but with the amount of change and adaptation per generation, there for it could be accelerating; Also recent studies indicate that the more humans are maturing at early ages than in previous generations such that puberty begins at 6 for some people, is this evolution?

  3. I dont know if anyone else has noticed.. in my opinion. Humans are in essance sea monkeys. Ancient humans evolved on the beach. Food was very abundant in the sea. Not only it is proven that fish oils help brain development(omega3), but our basic human design was for swiming. ie: noses pointed down for diving. partially webbed hands and feet.The over hand swimming motion that no other primate can do. Hairless body for stream lined swimming (except for essential areas of reproduction and brain functions). The up right posture is not only the norm when in water, it evolved further to see enemies from a greater distance. In a beach setting, it was easy to go in the water when danger was on land, and on the land when danger was in the water. In my opinion this is why humans dont find alot of ancient remains, they just washed away with the tides.

  4. There has been a major jump start on OUR evolutionary trek because of the short time period from using stone tools for thousands of years to the use of metals to become the killing machines we have become.Are we the superior species learning to be on a self destruct path? Are our ancestors god's who have gene spliced us to self destruct? Recon we will never know !!!

  5. What a load of rubbish i was created by an awesome God not from a monkey

  6. Sigh. god is fiction. evolution is reality. humans are, by far, the stupidest animal. why else would they keep their kids with them for an average of 18 years, while "lower" animals get rid of them in an a average of a year?

  7. 11. Why did this article thumb it's nose at creationism and ignore ALL religion? Written by another 4chan youtube atheist XD

  8. creationism is bullshit, try to rationalize religion as a science, larger brain my ass.

  9. We did not come from monkeys. we just had a similar ancestor. No monkeys are not going to evolve into humans. As Far as religion goes. Religion is a guide line of life to follow, "the evolution of mans MIND"so to speak. Not the evolution of humans as a species. so if you are religious (any religion), you must keep an open mind to everything around you, and respect it.

  10. what happened 50,000 years ago to accelerate evolution? man is one of many species that had rapidly accelerated from this .

  11. Science gives the best explanations of our history; however they are only theories. No being could write or read to record every detail. How the dinosaurs were killed is less important than how we can save lifekind and grow life on other planets. If we can not look after lifekind on this one; you can forget the other ones. We have every learning tool within us already.
