Saturday, March 31, 2018

crossconnectmag: Dark and Delicate Hand Embroidered Piece by...


Dark and Delicate Hand Embroidered Piece by Adipocere

Adipocere is an Austrailian artist who creates hand embroidery illustrations almost exclusively on natural linen. He developed an interest in embroidery as art in 2014 after he cross-stitched an homage to the film Alien. From there he has created his own visuals inspired by a fascination with the macabre, combining themes of innocence with an unsettling and sinister melancholy, referring to many of his works as “emotional self-portraiture”. For more check out his Facebook.

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crossconnectmag: Dark and Delicate Hand Embroidered Piece by... crss


Dark and Delicate Hand Embroidered Piece by Adipocere

Adipocere is an Austrailian artist who creates hand embroidery illustrations almost exclusively on natural linen. He developed an interest in embroidery as art in 2014 after he cross-stitched an homage to the film Alien. From there he has created his own visuals inspired by a fascination with the macabre, combining themes of innocence with an unsettling and sinister melancholy, referring to many of his works as “emotional self-portraiture”. For more check out his Facebook.

Want to keep up with art?  Check out our Twitter feed.

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crossconnectmag: Land Art by Michael McGillis  The color...

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis


Land Art by Michael McGillis

 The color enhanced workMichigan based artist, Michael McGillis, takes on a long, sinuous form which begs to be explored. He is using man-made mediums like house paint or discarded plastic bags to bring a splash of unreal color to many of his installations and creates incredibly saturated alterations in nature with a diverse range of materials from paint to electric tape to fluorescent colored grocery bags. The result is an electric manipulation of the natural world that is shockingly beautiful.

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Selected by Very Private Art

crossconnectmag: Land Art by Michael McGillis  The color... crss

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis

Land Art by Michael McGillis


Land Art by Michael McGillis

 The color enhanced workMichigan based artist, Michael McGillis, takes on a long, sinuous form which begs to be explored. He is using man-made mediums like house paint or discarded plastic bags to bring a splash of unreal color to many of his installations and creates incredibly saturated alterations in nature with a diverse range of materials from paint to electric tape to fluorescent colored grocery bags. The result is an electric manipulation of the natural world that is shockingly beautiful.

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Selected by Very Private Art
