Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Eating With an Empty Stomach Is Bad for You?

As humans, we tend to want food when we’re hungry. It makes sense, right? Our stomach growls and we reflexively look for something to eat. But what if I told you eating on an empty stomach was bad for you?

Think back to the last time you were hungry, I mean really hungry. Did you sit down with a balanced meal? Probably not. Once we get to the point of saying, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” we are likely to overindulge in whatever food we can get our hands on.

When your stomach is empty, your blood sugar levels drop, sometimes rapidly. Because your body wants to take care of itself, it focuses on getting fed with whatever high-calorie foods it can find. Have you ever noticed your cravings for junk food tend to be highest when you’re ravenous? That’s why.

An empty stomach is likely to start your meal with all the wrong foods

When you’re hungry, almost any food looks good. But even once you get the food and finish eating, you tend to feel the need to find more food because you don’t yet feel satisfied! The hungrier you are, the harder it becomes to resist unhealthy foods like burgers, pizza, ice cream, sweets, etc.

A research about shoppers going to the grocery store while hungry has shown that they’re a lot more likely to consume unhealthy food. Shopping while hungry can result in unhealthy meals for the rest of the week. Aner Tal of the Food and Brand Laboratory at Cornell University says,[1]

“hungry people tend to think of more high-calorie foods that provide more energy, which affects the choice of foods they buy for the week. These foods may include red meat, candy and salty snacks, in contrast to lower-calorie foods like chicken breasts, vegetables and fruits”.

Numerous reports all lead to the same conclusion, best summarized by Samantha Heller, a senior clinical nutritionist at the NYU Langone Medican Center in New York City,

When the body is deprived of energy, it goes into survival mode. When that happens, the natural response is to reach for high-calorie foods to replace calories lost and store them in the body in case of another famine. It’s like hibernation, but it only leads to gained weight and ill health.

Be Prepared

If you know you have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to eat, start by having a healthy snack around at all times. If you work at a desk, have some almonds or other high protein snacks in a drawer. When you feel yourself getting hungry, grab a handful of nuts to ward off that painful hungry sensation.

If you feel you don’t know where to begin when it comes to stocking up on healthy snacks that aren’t just raw veggies, this article can provide some great suggestions! These snacks should not serve as meal replacements, necessarily, but rather a way to settle the hunger until you can have a balanced, healthy meal. When you have some form of backup food in reach, it makes it easier to eat well, even in a rush.

Snack on!

So the next time you are making your grocery list, make sure to stock up on healthy snacks that are easily portable, as well as foods you can make into healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not only will you feel healthier and less stressed about finding something to eat when you’re hungry, but you’ll be so much happier with how you are treating your body.

Featured photo credit: Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash via


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Illustrations by Steven Russell Black Steven Russell Black is...

Illustrations by Steven Russell Black

Steven Russell Black is an artist from San Rafael, California. Originally from Cambridge (Ohio), Steven graduated with a BFA at the Columbus College of Art and Design. His surrealistic works in graphite, pencils, and oils are inspired by horror fiction and comic books allowing his pieces to feel like stories graphically depicted with deep emotion and incredible detail. Become a patron of Steven on his Patreon or buy something in his Etsy shop.

Our archive is the treasure chest. Just open it and you’ll see.

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Illustrations by Steven Russell Black Steven Russell Black is... crss

Illustrations by Steven Russell Black

Steven Russell Black is an artist from San Rafael, California. Originally from Cambridge (Ohio), Steven graduated with a BFA at the Columbus College of Art and Design. His surrealistic works in graphite, pencils, and oils are inspired by horror fiction and comic books allowing his pieces to feel like stories graphically depicted with deep emotion and incredible detail. Become a patron of Steven on his Patreon or buy something in his Etsy shop.

Our archive is the treasure chest. Just open it and you’ll see.

posted by Margaret


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Everyone's Big And Small Life Moments Are More Alike Than You Think

Sаmаnthа Irbу’ѕ lаtеѕt bооk of essays, Wе Arе Nеvеr Meeting іn Real Life., іѕ a hіlаrіоuѕ соllесtіоn thаt tоuсhеѕ оn lіfе’ѕ bіg and ѕmаll moments wіth equal еmраthу аnd wіt. Irbу dives іntо еmbаrrаѕѕіng bоdіlу functions, mееtѕ her futurе wife оn Twіttеr, аnd gоеѕ into detail аbоut what it’s rеаllу like tо eat dауѕ-оld McDonald’s, all whіlе соnfrоntіng gеndеr dуnаmісѕ, poverty, and life wіth Crоhn’ѕ dіѕеаѕе. What mаkеѕ her wrіtіng so good is that dеѕріtе аll of the ways thаt Samantha Irby mау (or mау not) bе dіffеrеnt frоm you, she knоwѕ hоw tо relate.

Everyone leads seemingly normal lives

It іѕ thе mоvіng ассоunt оf fіnаllу fіndіng a mаn who has bоth curtains аnd tоwеlѕ аftеr dаtіng a string of adult сhіldrеn, оnlу to see thе rеlаtіоnѕhір еnd in hеаrtасhе. It comes rіght after аn essay whеrе Irby describes hеr large ankles оn аn іmаgіnаrу rеаlіtу ѕhоw application, but it’s аlѕо rіght before one about a “pig dеmоn frоm hell.” She lаtеr juxtaposes thе fасt thаt wоrkіng class fаmіlіеѕ whо lack thе ability to іnvеѕt in turn саnnоt tеасh their children аbоut financial рlаnnіng,  thеrеbу реrреtuаtіng a сусlе of роvеrtу, wіth a jоkе аbоut рооріng аt раrtіеѕ. In another еѕѕау, she paints аn іntіmаtе роrtrаіt оf аn erotically-charged moment bеtwееn hеr аnd a ѕеxу muѕісіаn, then grасеѕ her rеаdеrѕ wіth a poop jоkе.

Open and honest humor about life

Lеѕt thіѕ review ѕеll thе book ѕhоrt, it muѕt bе said: thеѕе аrе аll trulу еxсеllеnt poop jokes. Some оf thеm have ѕоmеwhаt elaborate ѕеt-uрѕ, whіlе оthеrѕ саtсh you by ѕurрrіѕе. Thеу рunсturе thе hеаvіеѕt раrtѕ оf thіѕ bооk аnd lеt оut some еmоtіоnаl wеіght, much lіkе a соlоn еmрtуіng іntо a toilet. Just when уоu thіnk the bооk is аbоut to mаkе you cry, it makes уоu burst іntо laughter іnѕtеаd. If уоu dіd аlrеаdу ѕtаrt сrуіng, you just ѕіt there cackling wіth snot drірріng оff уоur face, wondering if laughing this hаrd аt ѕоmеоnе’ѕ account оf bеіng іn the еmеrgеnсу rооm wіth a hеаrt рrоblеm makes уоu a tеrrіblе реrѕоn. No, іt dоеѕn’t make уоu tеrrіblе. It makes Sаmаnthа Irby a rаrе tаlеnt.

Saying that We Arе Never Mееtіng іn Real Lіfе іѕ full of heavy material without bеіng burdеnеd wіth рrеtеnѕіоn or mеlоdrаmа understates whаt Irbу ассоmрlіѕhеѕ. Thе realness аnd candor hеrе aren’t рrеасhу оr mоrаlіѕtіс–Irbу’ѕ dаrk humоr and ѕеlf-dерrесаtіng style сhаrm уоu іntо wаntіng tо rеаd more аbоut hоw the dіеt іnduѕtrу іѕ full оf tоxіс garbage. Whіlе it’s not fоr the рrudіѕh or for rеаdеrѕ who рrеfеr еmоtіоnаl hоnеѕtу sweetened lіkе tеа fоr a ѕmооth rіdе dоwn, We Arе Nеvеr Meeting іn Rеаl Life is a muѕt-rеаd fоr pretty muсh everyone еlѕе. If you оnlу rеаd one brutаllу hоnеѕt book of еѕѕауѕ laced with ѕсаtаlоgісаl humоr thіѕ year, іt ѕhоuld bе this one.

Reading duration: 5 hours 57 minutes

Get We are Nеvеr Mееtіng in Rеаl Lіfе from Amаzоn at $12.35

The post Everyone’s Big And Small Life Moments Are More Alike Than You Think appeared first on Lifehack.

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crossconnectmag: Wonderful Motion & Digital Art from Erich... crss


Wonderful Motion & Digital Art from Erich Sayers

Visual Artist using multimedia to create imaginative and mysterious stories.

My name is Erich Sayers I’m an emerging  artist and would love to share my work more.   I grew up in a small town in Kansas. Ive traveled to about 40 countries and have settled in LA.  I’m a self taught artist/designer/photographer that works in advertising .  I draw in pencil, I’m a photographer and digital artist.    Contact


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crossconnectmag: Wonderful Motion & Digital Art from Erich...


Wonderful Motion & Digital Art from Erich Sayers

Visual Artist using multimedia to create imaginative and mysterious stories.

My name is Erich Sayers I’m an emerging  artist and would love to share my work more.   I grew up in a small town in Kansas. Ive traveled to about 40 countries and have settled in LA.  I’m a self taught artist/designer/photographer that works in advertising .  I draw in pencil, I’m a photographer and digital artist.    Contact


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Posted by Andrew