Sunday, December 17, 2017

Music Has Helped Me Wake Up 50% Faster and These Are Playlists I Used

In today’s ever busy and stressful world, it can be quite hard to wake up rejuvenated and ready for the break of day. I am sure you have heard it many times before that in order to have a productive day; you need to wake up productive. Sure everyone knows starting off energetic can help us get through the rest of the day easy, but sometimes it’s hard for us to even just leave our bed and get to work

With Morning Spotify playlist, you can take start your day on the right foot, and power through without much fuss.

Why Building A Morning Playlist is Good For You?

Enjoy the Allure of Music in the Morning

For one, music can boost your motivation. You might wake up feeling low; perhaps you have been having a bit of trouble at work. With music, however, you can enjoy elevated morale. How so? By listening to your favorite song or beat fights off de-motivating brainwaves linked to boredom and fatigue.

Physical, Mental, and Emotional Rejuvenation

Besides being rejuvenating, music can be a great motivator for your morning gym or yoga sessions. Through music, you can pull through your workout and yoga postures. This way, you can boost your inner energy, stay alert, and keep stress at bay.

Enjoy Your Morning Tune!

Scientist Approved Morning Playlist

To Waking Up Happily

A Gentle Morning Wake Up Call

For An Energetic Morning

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The 36 Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask In Your Love Life

Sometimes, people meet strangers who suddenly become friends – they get closer and perhaps become lovers. Sounds pretty easy, right? But hey! Without the proper steps, it’s never an easy task to achieve. Many people lose their possible lovers because they fail to get along or ask the right questions. Here’s the big one; Josh Haner in his article, Try the 36 Questions on the Way to Love, gives an in-depth insight into how mutual vulnerability calls for more intimacy. Apparently, Josh Haner’s article will make you understand how to find your love and foster closeness in no much time.

36 questions to finding your love!

Getting to know someone, and suddenly a developing friendship could be quite a herculean task if the proper steps are not taken. Haner’s article will not just open your eyes into what being in love is, instead it would go deep to give you access to 36 questions that can make you get closer to a stranger, and perhaps become lovers. If you’ve ever come across a stranger that you admired so much to the point that you wish you had talked to him/her, then you can attest to the fact that throwing friendly questions matters on your way to love. You don’t need to be caught up in such scenario anymore if you can lay your hands on Haner’s work and follow the instructions diligently.

Am I doing it right?

Often, I wonder what stops me from walking up to a stranger, start up a conversation and not sound boring. Perhaps I lack what to say or ask – this is common to many people nowadays, and that’s where John Haner’s work and the guide come to play. You just need to know the questions to chip in at that beginning time to win the stranger’s heart and get closer.

Get this; mutual vulnerability fosters closeness, and you may not get close to a stranger if you cannot be bold and ask series of personal and friendly questions. You’ll be doing yourself right to read this article. Then you’ll learn how to improve your love life and get along with strangers without hassle. To read the full article, click here.

The post The 36 Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask In Your Love Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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Nancy Liang

Nancy Liang

Nancy Liang crss

Nancy Liang


Portraits by Valeria Feliú Valeria Feliú was born in Buenos... crss

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

 Valeria Feliú was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1970. From an early age, she developed an interest in the creative and artistic fields, attending various workshops and pursuing personal projects within ceramics, drawing, painting, and photography. At early 90´ she moved to Sydney, Australia. Studied interior design and worked in the architectural and design field. In parallel, developed her artistic career, mainly abstract style, participating in various individual and group shows, art fairs, and competitions. Back in Argentina, Valeria establishes in Salta in 1998. Currently dedicated full-time painter, focusing her interest in realism – not to say reality – and the human condition with its vast invitation to explore and represent. Her Instagram.

Check our Facebook for more original art.
Posted by Very Private Art


Portraits by Valeria Feliú Valeria Feliú was born in Buenos...

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

Portraits by Valeria Feliú

 Valeria Feliú was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1970. From an early age, she developed an interest in the creative and artistic fields, attending various workshops and pursuing personal projects within ceramics, drawing, painting, and photography. At early 90´ she moved to Sydney, Australia. Studied interior design and worked in the architectural and design field. In parallel, developed her artistic career, mainly abstract style, participating in various individual and group shows, art fairs, and competitions. Back in Argentina, Valeria establishes in Salta in 1998. Currently dedicated full-time painter, focusing her interest in realism – not to say reality – and the human condition with its vast invitation to explore and represent. Her Instagram.

Check our Facebook for more original art.
Posted by Very Private Art

What We Learn From History To Overcome The Toughest Of Challenges

One of the most raw and intensely emotional documentary which showcases human perseverance, and the ability of one to overcome overwhelming atrocities. Prisoner Number A26188: Henia Bryer is a film that provides great insight of how, even at the edge, one’s spirit overcomes all challenges. It’s truly a monument of a movie that should be preserved for future generations to enjoy and learn from. This movie takes you down the rabbit hole and makes you feel truly indulged.

This movie is perfect for people who want to be motivated as well as be deeply inspired by the challenges that have been portrayed and the life-altering lessons that can be learned from this documentary. It is a testament to how even the toughest of challenges can be overcome.

The girl who lost everything

Based on the aunt of Lisa Bryer –the woman who compiled this 43-minute doccumentry- called Henia, an 86-year old woman recalls her experiences in multiple concentration camps after Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939. The storyline revolves around Henia’s teenage years when she, along with her family, was rounded up, and sent to an unknown and pre-designated ghetto, which contained over 30,000 entities already. By the time the war had finally settled down, she had lost just about everyone, her father, sister and disabled older brother, and was forced to live life on her own and fight through some of the toughest and most hellish environments that have ever been observed in recorded history.

Historical accounts of what it was like during the Holocaust and the stories of how people were treated during war times, Prisoner Number A26188: Henia Bryer is an extremely accurate depiction of Nazi Germany and its attempts to completely dismantle human spirits and how brave, resilient and staunch prisoners were.

“First of September we were coming back from school, we were coming back from vacation and all the families and all of coffers were on the train, everybody was worried and everybody was panicking and just wanted to be home before war started.”

“They installed Loud speakers all over the cities and started broadcasting hate speech, propaganda and Hitler speeches day and night.”

Never let history repeat itself

Where violence was a common theme, death, misery, famine and hate was a constant. This documentary can easily be considered one of the most influencing pieces available about the Holocaust that contain true, in-person accounts about the absolute horrors. This documentary serves as a stepping stone for learning history in-depth and truly understanding the nightmares of those times. This movie is amazing for anyone looking to learn a more about history; it’s perfect for people who want to understand the paradigm of Nazi Germany and gain historical accuracy regarding WW2 atrocities.

If you’re interested in finding more about the history of Poland during WW2 and the suffering that people endured, this documentary is phenomenal.

To watch Prisoner Number A26188: Henia Bryer, click here.

The post What We Learn From History To Overcome The Toughest Of Challenges appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

My-House | Austin Maynard ArchitectsLocation: Fitzroy,...

My-HouseAustin Maynard Architects
Location: Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia
Photography: Tess Kelly

My-House | Austin Maynard ArchitectsLocation: Fitzroy,...

My-HouseAustin Maynard Architects
Location: Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia
Photography: Tess Kelly