Friday, November 17, 2017

Stepping Stones Will Get You To Your Destination

There’s a quote that says, “Look back and see how you have far you have come through.”

It’s easy for us to forget small progresses we make each day because they don’t seems to contribute a lot to what we want. However, big things could not happen without small steps we take, just like you cannot reach the top of the ladder without stepping on the rungs.

Always remember, no matter how small your progress is, forward is forward. Appreciate yourself with every small progress you made and by doing so, you don’t need to wait until you look back to see how many great things you did!

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These Books Can Save Your Time From All Unnecessary Fights With Your Relationship

Being in a relationship with constant fights can be tedious. However, many conflicts in relationships are unnecessary, and can be avoided easily if we understand our partners’ needs.

Many people, however, overlook the need to learn about relationship. But in fact, learning relationship is paramount to a fruitful relationship; as we all come from different backgrounds and men and women are wired differently in general, without any study it is hard for us to understand, to appreciate, and to address the differences among us.

Continue to read the article, and you will see several recommended books on relationships praised by many readers which will teach you how to address conflicts in relationships, avoid unnecessary fights, and eventually enjoy a peaceful and fruitful relationship.

Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married By Gary D. Chapman

To most of us, getting married is just another “official” step forward from our current relationship. No one would think being prepared is necessary since going through a normal relationship already seems to be a prerequisite. However, there’s a huge gap between  bing in a relationship to actually building a life together. Gary Chapman has put together this practical book to teach readers how to build a healthy and loving marriage.

“I’m a 30 year old male about to propose to my girlfriend. I picked up this book on a whim. I cannot overstate how much I have learned from this book. I started highlighting things that I thought were important to me or that really hit home or made sense. I wrote notes in the margin. I ordered a copy for my soon to be fiance and she is going to do the same thing with her copy. Then we’ll switch so we can both learn from each other. Anyone that wants to be a better partner, regardless of weather or not that includes marriage, should pick this book up and read it front to back. I really can’t say enough good things about this book.”- Ryan on Amazon Review

Get Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married from Amazon at $ 8.69.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts By Gary D. Chapman & Jocelyn Green

Joined with Joycelyn Green, Gary Chapman has published this book that decodes the secret of love. It’s one of the top selling relationship books on Amazon. Gary talks about what signal us as “love”, how partners can see the same action differently and brings out the importance of understanding your partner’s love language in order to aid better communication and relationship. The love language doesn’t only apply to romantic relationship, it’s very useful to building sustainable  friendships and family relationships.

Get The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts from Amazon at $ 10.99.

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs By Emerson Eggerichs

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs provides advice from a psychological perspective on how to maintain a healthy and loving marriage. In his book, he cracks the relationship secret by teaching readers how to shift their focus from only their relationship to the whole family perspective. He also addresses some commonly experienced marriage problems such as dealing with affairs and regain sparks and respect. More than 1 Million Copies have been sold and it’s reported to be one of the most outstanding self-help books.

Get Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs from Amazon at $13.89.

Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love By Sue Johnson

It’s not new that communication is the key to maintain a healthy relationship. However, when anger or sadness kicks in, it’s hard to hold a constructive conversation. In this book, clinical psychologist Dr. Sue Johnson introduces us the concept “Emotionally Focused Therapy” that talks importance communication skills we need in order to hold a useful conversation without hurting each other’s feelings.

Get Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love from Amazon at $17.48.

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help YouFind – and Keep – Love By Amir Levine & Rachel Heller

Apart from decoding love from a psychological perspective, psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dr. Amir Levine and Rachel Heller decided to explain love in a scentific way, just like how we rely on science to tell us what to eat and exercise. In this book, they guide us through how people with different attachment styles react differently in relationships and what we can do to make our significant others to feel secured and happy.

Get Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find- and Keep- Love from Amazon at $10.84.

The post These Books Can Save Your Time From All Unnecessary Fights With Your Relationship appeared first on Lifehack.

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Misplaced Your Items? Get This Search Party

We’ve all experienced that panicked moment, just as we leave the house, when we realise we can’t find our car keys, wallet, phone or house keys. Your mind starts racing to when you last had it and it’s a mad dash to try and locate where the item might be.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way of eliminating that feeling of misplacing your things?

The Answer to Never Losing Your Items Again

Tile is a clever and convenient way of locating your lost items using an app on your phone. Place your Tile on any item important to you or things you’re most likely to lose and your phone will use Bluetooth up to 100ft away from the lost item to locate it.

Lost your phone? All you need to do is double press one of your Tiles to make it ring – even when you’ve left it on silent.

The ‘Last Place Seen’ Feature to Help Locate Your Left Item

The phone app will always track where each of your Tile’s is within the 100 ft Bluetooth radius and logs it into a map. This helps you retrace your steps and makes it more likely to locate the item again limiting the worry and increasing peace of mind in your quest to get it back again.

Includes a ‘Search Party’ Community Feature to Increase Your Chances of Finding Your Lost Item

Everyone who buys a Tile and installs the app, instantly becomes part of the search party community. When someone walks by your lost item with the app on their phone, it will immediately ping a message to your phone with the item’s location. This is particularly useful if you haven’t necessarily realised your item is even missing and allows you to reunite with it more quickly.

What Do Tile Users Think of the Product?

Read any review from a Tile user and you’ll find a happy-ending story in it. From finding their wallet to locating a stolen motorbike, Tile has managed to help thousands of people reunite with their lost items.

Here’s one story from Paul who lost his wallet while about to board a plane on the way back from a business trip:

“I travel for work quite a bit. Today was no different, as I traveled to San Francisco for a work meeting and was on my way back home. Upon arriving at SFO, I climbed out of a Lyft, grabbed my laptop bag and suitcase, and headed into the security checkpoint. Unbeknownst to me, my wallet had fallen out somewhere along the way.

I proceeded to security and it wasn’t until then that I realized what had happened. Right away I pulled up my Tile app. Nothing registered (it was a long walk to security), so I traced my steps backward. As I was doing this with my Tile app open, I passed the airline ticketing counters. Suddenly, the tile app showed I was in range.

Hoping against hope, I approached counter after counter, asking if a wallet had been turned in. All answered with a resounding, ‘no.’ Feeling a bit defeated, I pressed the button to activate the chime. Airports are noisy places so I couldn’t hear it, but one of the individuals behind the ticketing counter did. Sure enough, two stations over from her was my wallet, dropped in a nondescript box behind the counter.

Not only was it the app and bluetooth that helped me know it was close, it was the chime that helped us find it. Best of all, my wallet had $400 cash in it. Everything was in my wallet, untouched, including the cash.”

Why You Should Purchase a Tile and Where Can You Find It?

This product will:

  • Ring the Tile attached to what you’re trying to find
  • Ring your phone even when it’s on silent
  • Locate the last place your lost item was seen
  • Allow other Tile users to automatically help locate your item and ping the location to your phone
  • Comes in a sleek and discrete design that can attach to any item easily

But don’t restrict it to wallets and keys, if you have a pet that’s prone to wandering why not attach one to its collar or slip it in your child’s pocket for extra peace of mind?

Whatever you use it for, you’re guaranteed to never worry about losing your items again!

Purchase a Tile 1 Pack for $35 or a 2 Pack for $70 here

The post Misplaced Your Items? Get This Search Party appeared first on Lifehack.

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Marc Macken Architecten - Patio house, Belgium. Photos...

Macken & Macken Architecten - House with a studio, Leefdaal...

How To Take Out The Trash In Your Head

Having to pay attention, or focusing on what’s important is how we get things done, that is how we stay sight of what we need to do in order to get certain processes moving in a forward direction.

However, the biggest annoyance hindering people from going full steam ahead are distractions. How do we focus when there is a never ending source of distractions surrounding us? Even tasks as a whole, that we need to get done becomes a form of distraction from allowing us to focus on the individual task at hand.

The article How Do You Focus? Especially when you have lots to do by Nathan Kontny (CEO of Highrise) gives a simple insight into the development of the term ‘Priority’.

Important Things You Have To Do When You Have A Lot To Do 

Priority vs Priorities

According to Google’s Ngram Viewer, Kontny noticed that the words ‘Priority’ vs ‘Priorities’ have changed over the years. Up until 1940, no one ever used the word priorities. “If you have ‘priorities’ how many do you have. What’s the magic number? Three? Five? A dozen? The plural doesn’t make sense.” Kontny goes on to further explain that “Priority. There’s a single thing that’s most important in the things you do. Sure you can do more than one thing. But those other things aren’t as important as your priority.”

It is probably because of this shift in mindset that we can have more than 1 priority, that creates more distraction in our lives. We simply do not know what really matters anymore. So the key to managing all our ‘priorities’ really is to be clear on what our true ‘priority’ is.

Go wide, not deep

Kontny’s second point for young working professionals or fresh graduates, is to go wide, not deep while you are still nimble. Time is still on your side, so take the advantage and try as many things as you can instead of focusing on only 1 specific area of interest.

Most of it doesn’t matter

Using the Pareto principle as an example whereby it states that 20% of the invested input is responsible for 80% of the results obtained, goes to show that when you’re buried knee deep in things, everything feels important. But from a different perspective, you’ll probably find, most of it really didn’t even matter.

An interesting read for those stressed and confused individuals who need some perspective on majoring on the major.

To read the full article (5 minutes read), find it here.

The post How To Take Out The Trash In Your Head appeared first on Lifehack.

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Painting by Alpay EfeArtist Alpay Efe is a graduate of the... crss

Painting by Alpay Efe

Artist Alpay Efe is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts, Düsseldorf, Germany. His work has been featured in shows around the world including at the Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, CA. You can see more of Alpay Efe’s work on Instagram.  

Let Cross Connect help you find art on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Posted by Lisa.


Painting by Alpay EfeArtist Alpay Efe is a graduate of the...

Painting by Alpay Efe

Artist Alpay Efe is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts, Düsseldorf, Germany. His work has been featured in shows around the world including at the Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, CA. You can see more of Alpay Efe’s work on Instagram.  

Let Cross Connect help you find art on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Posted by Lisa.