Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Want Better Focus And Memory? 10 Foods To Boost Your Brainpower

Your food choices have a huge influence on your health and vitality. Some foods can help to protect your organs, whereas other types of food will damage and weaken your organs – including your brain.

Your brain is one your most important organs, yet damage to the brain can be impossible to repair. Thankfully certain foods can help to protect and strengthen the brain, reducing the chances of brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

If you want to boost your brain power, try to include these 10 foods in your diet:

1. Avocado

Some people avoid avocados due to their high fat content, but they are great for the brain. Avocados are filled with both folate and vitamin K, which help to improve cognitive function and prevent blood clots in the brain.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is known for its numerous benefits, including helping to boost brain power. This is because coconut oil can enhance the ability of neurons in the brain while slowing the production of free radicals that can damage the brain. They also contain saturated fat and antioxidants, which is an essential nutrient for brain function.[1]

3. Beets

Beets contain natural nitrates that help to boost blood flow to the brain, improving mental performance. They also reduce inflammation in the body and they are filled with antioxidants that help to rid your blood of toxins.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are known as a super food, so it may come as no surprise that they can benefit your brain. Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant-rich foods, containing vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber and gallic acid, which protects the brain from degeneration and stress, helping to improve memory.[2]

5. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is good for the body and brain in small quantities. This is because it is filled with flavonols which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and improve the flow of blood to the brain.

However it is import to make sure that you buy dark chocolate; both milk and white chocolate are highly processed and they won’t benefit your brain. Look out for chocolate that is at least 70% if you want to boost brain power!

6. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce and Swiss chard are great for your brain; recent research has found that they can even help to reduce the chances of dementia.

The research looked at the eating habits and mental abilities of nearly 1,000 adults over a period of five years. The researchers found that adults who ate leafy green vegetables at least once a day experienced slower mental deterioration that the adults who ate no vegetables.[3] This was still true even when the researchers factored in age and family history of dementia.

7. Wild salmon

Wild salmon is a great source of omega-3 oil DHA, which helps to boost brain power. DHA is an important oil that helps to maintain the health of your brain cells – it even helps to increase the growth of brain cells. This can help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.[4]

8. Almonds

Almonds, much like wild salmon, contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids that benefit the brain and boost brain power. Almonds also contain vitamin E which helps to further protect the brain.

9. Extra Virgin Olive Oilpexels-photo-186696

Extra virgin oil can help to boost brain power as it contains antioxidants known as polyphenols. Polyphenols can help to improve both learning and memory, and they can even reverse the effects of age and disease. Extra virgin olive oil also fights against the proteins that induce Alzheimer’s.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric can help to reduce inflammation in the brain, and recent studies have even suggested that it can be used to treat Alzheimer’s [5]. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in the fight against brain degeneration; researchers have found Vedic texts that date back over 3,000 reporting that turmeric can boost brain power!



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If You've Included These 8 Foods In Your Diet, You're Having Good Circulation

When it comes to health, most people think about their heart, their immune system, their weight and their cholesterol. Very few people think about their blood, even though it can affect nearly every other aspect of their health.

Good circulation helps your body in lots of different ways; it keeps your heart healthy, it aids digestion and it helps you to regulate your body temperature. If the blood flow to one part of your body is reduced, you may experience symptoms such as tingling, numbness, pain and muscle cramps.

Thankfully you can improve circulation with certain foods. Here are 8 foods that improve circulation.

1. Spinach


Spinach is great for your blood, as it is one of the densest sources of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps to cleanse the blood and the liver, removing waste and toxins and helping to filter your blood. Spinach is also a great source of vitamin C, which also helps to improve your blood. You can eat spinach lots of different ways; in a salad, a soup or raw. If you are using anticoagulants, you should avoid leafy greens such as spinach, as it could increase your chances of getting a blood clot. Instead, try a fruit from this list.

2. Asparagus


Asparagus helps to improve circulation as it acts as a diuretic. This means it is great at flushing toxins out of the body, and it is filled with potassium, vitamin C, folate, and fiber. If you are allergic to garlic, onions, and chives, you may also be allergic to asparagus. If so, try another vegetable on this list.

3. Celery


Celery improves blood flow as it is rich in vitamin K, one of the most important nutrients for healthy blood flow and clotting (which is essential if you injure yourself). Celery is also filled with electrolytes that help your body to flush out waste. You can add the celery to soups, salads, smoothies, wraps, or you can simply eat it raw.

Some people are allergic to celery, and they cannot eat it raw or cooked. If you are allergic to celery focus on leafy greens such as spinach.

4. Cucumber


Cucumbers are anti-inflammatory and they contain vitamin C, which helps your body to remove waste and toxins from your blood. Cucumbers also contain water and fiber to improve your blood flow even more. Buy organic cucumbers and eat them raw. You can add the cucumber to a salad if you don’t like the taste of cucumber on its own. Some people are allergic to cucumbers, and they have itchy skin after eating them. If this happens to you, avoid cucumbers as you may be allergic to them.

5. Red Bell Peppers


Red bell peppers are also a great source of vitamin C; just one pepper contains your daily recommended amount of vitamin C! They are also a good source of antioxidants and they are hydrating, which further helps to improve blood flow. You can eat red peppers in lots of different meals including salad, stir-fry or curry, or you can stuff them with grains and vegetables. You can also eat them raw – they are great for dipping!

Some people experience acid reflux or heartburn when they eat red peppers. If this happens to you, avoid peppers and try something else on this list.

6. Walnuts


Walnuts are one of the most beneficial nuts for circulation. They contain special antioxidant components that help to improve blood flow, as well as omega 3 fats. Walnuts become more acidic when you cook them, so it is best to eat them raw. You can sprinkle walnuts into a salad or a dessert, or you can buy walnut butter to spread on bread. If you really want to improve your circulation add walnuts to porridge, as oats also help to improve circulation.

If you haven’t eaten walnuts, before be cautious. Lots of people have allergies to tree nuts and eating walnuts can trigger an allergic reaction. If you’re eating walnuts for the first time and you experience stomach cramps or nausea, speak to a doctor.

7. Oats


Oats are great for the body and they can benefit you in lots of different ways. They improve blood flow as they are known to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body, and they also have anti-inflammatory properties. If you want to eat oats to improve your blood flow, eat a bowl of porridge in the morning. If you can’t eat gluten, don’t worry; gluten-free oats can also help to improve circulation.

8. Citrus Fruits


Lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruits all have anti-inflammatory properties that help to increase blood flow. They also help to alkalize the body, which cleanses the body of toxins and waste. You can either eat the fruit raw or drizzle it over salads. Smoothies are another popular and healthy option. As oranges are very acidic, you should avoid them if you have reoccurring stomach problems. You should also eat fresh oranges if you have Type 2 Diabetes instead of orange juice, as orange juice can cause health damaging spikes to your blood sugar levels.

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10 Superfoods That Effectively Cleanse Your Liver For Better Digestion

Think of it this way, if the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines were all students of a class; then the liver is the teacher. The role of the liver is simple and complex at the same time; it regulates all of the digestion process and ensures proper distribution of the post-digestion nutrients to the body as well. [1]

The liver also plays a very important role, along with the kidneys, to detoxify the body of the waste produced during digestion as well as environmental toxins. To keep the body free of waste and toxins, as well as for maximum nutrient absorption; you need to cleanse your liver for it to be in peak condition. The good news is that there are commonplace foods you can eat, which cleanse your liver and keep it at its healthiest. Give these 10 liver-friendly foods a whirl…

1. Garlic


A small amount of garlic, eaten raw and crushed, activates the liver enzymes and helps it detoxify the body that much faster. The sulfur compounds in garlic, as well as its arginine and selenium work together to cleanse your liver for it to be at optimum health. [2]

2. Leafy Greens


Green leafy vegetables such as arugula, spinach, fenugreek and mustard greens, dandelion and chicory have the ability to soak up environmental toxins from the bloodstream like sponges. They can neutralize heavy metals and other toxicity – and so give the liver function a much-needed respite and cleanse your liver alongside. [3]

3. Apples


Apples are rich in the soluble fiber pectin, which aids the body in getting rid of wastes and toxins very effectively. This, in turn, takes some stress off the liver so that it can cleanse itself and work healthily. Probably why the ‘apple a day keeps the doctor away’ adage is still alive… [4]

4. Avocados


Not just great baby food, avocados are great for the liver as well. Avocados aid the body into producing a valuable antioxidant glutathione, which is basically the primary antioxidant needed by the liver to detoxify itself as well the whole body. Greens, garlic and cruciferous vegetables also help the body produce glutathione. [5]

5. Cold-pressed oils


Olive, Flaxseed and Hempseed oils are great for the liver – the healthy fat content, as well as the phenolic antioxidant compounds of these oils, soak up toxins and aid liver in functioning at its optimum. The heart benefits of these oils are an added plus! [6]

6. Switching grains


Not to say that wheat and rice is unhealthy, but if you eat only one or two types of grain; you end up stressing the liver as it has to deal with those few toxins (like gluten) over and over again. Switch back and forth between healthy whole grains like quinoa, millet, bulgur, buckwheat and even the locally grown produce. [7]

7. Citrus fruits


Lemons and limes are high in vitamin C – and vitamin C basically dissolves the toxins into water-soluble chemicals and lets the kidneys flush them out in the form of urine. This takes a load off the liver and helps it detoxify itself. [8]

8. Turmeric


Think of this as liver’s favorite spice. Turmeric revs up the liver enzymes, boosting body detoxification and cleansing your liver. Most importantly, this spice also helps repair damaged liver tissue too! [9]

9. Cruciferous vegetables


The tree-like cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower increase the body’s glucosinolate levels which are organic sulfur compounds that work with antioxidants like folate, vitamin C and flavonoids to cleanse your liver, and the body of harmful toxins and waste products as well. [10]

10. Walnuts


The omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts not only make it brain food, but also a great food to cleanse your liver. Enriched with amino acid arginine, walnuts also neutralize the ammonia in the body thereby taking some stress off the poor organ. [11]

What more can I do to help my liver?

As Hippocrates said, let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food. Along with eating these liver-friendly super foods; to spring-cleanse the liver, you also need to drink plenty water and reduce your sugar intake. Remember to give yourself some TLC as well as exercise and do cut back on that nicotine, alcohol and caffeine… [12]



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Eating Collagen For Stronger Joints? Here's What You Should Eat Instead

Collagen is fast becoming synonymous with younger looking skin. If you are a runner or particularly conscious about your joints, it is believed that consuming collagen directly will help add collagen to the body to promote even stronger joints. In the Far East, delicacies such as chicken feet and pig feet have been around for centuries with people consuming them for the health benefits associated with eating collagen-rich foods. But is this true?

What Exactly Is Collagen?

Collagen is a robust protein that makes up the structure and strength of your skin, bones, tendons, cartilages, and other connective tissues.[1] In short, if we don’t have enough collagen in our bodies, we’re in big trouble.

We get our collagen from a varied diet full of nutrient-rich foods and it’s digested into amino acids, just like other proteins, when we ingest it. There is a myth that consuming collagen directly makes a difference to the amount of collagen in the body, whether consumed through food or supplements. But in fact, foods rich in collagen offer nothing more to the body than regular protein when ingested alone. Instead, it’s what we eat together with these amino acids that allows us to produce an optimal amount of collagen we need for healthy joints.

Brittle bones, and even scurvy, has been found to be caused by lack of collagen. Thus, it is incredibly important to have a diet that includes collagen. More importantly, it should be noted that eating collagen alone and directly is ineffective without a nutrient-rich diet to assist the body in proper absorption.

The Importance Of Vitamin C For Collagen Absorption

We may think of vitamin C in terms of warding off colds and flu, but it has a much more important job in our body – it’s an essential vitamin for proper growth and repair of your body’s tissues and also promotes the essential production of collagen.

In other words, the body uses up vitamin C to make collagen and without it, collagen would literally fall apart, your joints will start to fail, and other negative health implications can occur.

For a healthy person, taking in around 3000 mg of vitamin C a day will be enough to help produce the amount of collagen needed for good joint health. A higher dose would be recommended for when your health is less than average in order for your body to have a better chance of absorbing it. Fruits, such as oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, and guava, are all rich sources of vitamin C, along with vegetables, like red peppers, broccoli, kale, and Brussels sprouts, will give you a good shot at properly absorbing this essential vitamin.

How Do I Promote More Collagen Production In My Body?

Eating collagen, which is naturally found in animal skin as discussed in the latest scientific research,[2] can allow amino acids to be added to the body and promote stronger joints, but it needs to be in combination with vitamin C, as well as other collagen-boosting nutrients. Ideally, a collagen-rich diet needs to also include an abundance of these foods:

  • Foods rich in copper: Copper can also aid the production of collagen with foods such as organ meat (liver, kidneys etc.), shellfish, dark leafy greens, dried legumes, and nuts. Increasing your intake of copper-rich foods will inevitably help to increase your collagen levels.
  • Foods rich in iron: A study published in the [3] found that iron is not only great for producing healthy red blood cells, but also goes towards aiding collagen formation. Iron is a co-building block when it comes to collagen and, together with factors, it can allow the body to build up collagen at an optimum level.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B3: Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, has been found to be beneficial in raising the formation of collagen.[4] Consuming foods like beef liver, kidney, fish (such as swordfish, tuna, salmon), as well as, beetroot, and sunflower seeds will up your B3 levels and help the body towards better collagen production for healthy joints and skin.

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