Friday, December 2, 2016

Good News For Cheese Lovers: New Research Says You Can Live Longer


If you’re like me and can’t go a day without cheese, I’ve got great news for you! New research done by Nature medicine reveals that mature cheese contains a special kind of chemical (known as polyamine spermidine) that slows the aging process, reduces heart disease and can increase the average life expectancy! So keep eating cheese, cheese lovers!

Scientists Experiment With Cheese On Mice

You’re probably sitting there thinking “No way. This can’t be true. After all, cheese is just a form of moldy milk! How on earth could it help me live longer?” To be honest, I was a little skeptical on this at first, too. However, we looked for more research to back this up, and what we found was astonishing!

We found out that scientists had initially conducted this experiment on lab mice. They learned that the more cheese each mouse ate, the longer they lived! No wonder our favorite cartoon mice would do anything for a slice of cheese; they knew it would help them live longer! That is, of course, if they don’t get stuck in a mouse trap.

It Works For Humans, Too!

As I dug deeper in my research, I found that over 800 people in Italy conducted a questionnaire on the consumption of cheese. Upon the completion of the questionnaire, it was found that more than half of the people who consume cheese often are less prone to getting cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The study even went so far as to show that exactly 40% of those who consume cheese are less likely to have cardiac failure. Incredible!

Many researchers believe that Polyamine helps fight off nasty toxins in the body allowing cells to rejuvenate themselves. Who on earth would have thought that cheese could be this helpful? Now we have an excuse to eat it as much as we’d like.

Final Verdict

While cheese has been proven to be good for you (and is super tasty), bear in mind that cheese contains tons of calories and can be dangerous for your weight. If you’re looking to get your daily dose of Polyamine you can always eat foods like sweet corn, whole grain foods, and sweet peas, instead.

What are your opinions on cheese? Would you eat it everyday if you could? Are you going to start now that you have information proving it can help you out in the long run? Let me know in the comments below!

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Easily Feel Drained? Beware Of These 10 Energy Suckers


Do you find it hard to focus on your day-to-day activities? Do you still feel tired after two cups of coffee? When your mind and body feels drained, it can be hard to complete your work… which will lead you to feel even worse, in a vicious cycle.

What can we do to get back into our normal routine and avoid feeling like this? I’d like to bring you 10 tips right from the Dalai Lama, so we can figure out what’s causing us to feel drained and find solutions to help us bounce back to our former self.

1. Stay with toxic people


This one is self-explanatory, but so many people have trouble identifying those who are toxic, and those who are not. Whether it’s a friend or a family member, there comes a time when you have to cut them loose. You have your own problems to deal with; adding more stress to your life will only bring you down that much more.

It’s going to hurt cutting ties with the people you care about, but your mental health will thank you for it. It’ll give you time to rejuvenate! Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself. Remember: “If you light a lamp for someone else, your own path will also brighten.” A famous quote to live by from the Buddha.

2. Grudge but not forgive

Learning how to forgive people who wrong you is such an important step towards self-growth. If you carry the weight of hate around on your shoulders forever, you’ll start to suffer. Whether they deserve forgiveness or not doesn’t matter. You’re not doing it for them – you’re doing it for you!

If you learn to forgive someone for the actions and pain they’ve caused in your life, you’ll know what to look out for next time. Forgive, but never forget.

3. Make promises but fail to keep them

Pinky swear

If you’re the type of person that pinky swears you won’t tell a secret, keep that promise. Not only does breaking a promise hurt your friends and family, it gives you a bad name. No one will want be around you if they think you’re untrustworthy.

Keep promises and don’t be afraid to open up and tell somebody a secret of your own. Trust is a two-way street. It takes forever to build, but can break in a matter of seconds.

4. Not pay your bills on time

No one wants to walk around knowing they owe money to someone else, whether it’s $10 or $10,000. If you borrow money from your friends or family, come up with a date that you will pay them back by. You’d be surprised at how many people would be okay with a “payment plan”. Paying back something as small as $1 will show them that you’re trying to pay them back for all they’ve done.

A good motto you should follow is “Don’t owe anyone anything”. Treat others the way you wish to be treated, and the world will be a much better place.

5. Try to control of everything in life

We are constantly looking for the next big thing to happen. Whether that means buying a home, getting married, having children or becoming the next big CEO of a corporation. If you can’t stop to smell the coffee every now and again, your life is going to fly by faster than you’d like. Take each day with a grain of salt. Work towards your goals, but take time to enjoy each improvement you make.

Accept your life, your choices and the people in it. Everyone is working towards a better future and everyone deserves to take a break to see just how far they’ve come. Remember this: you navigate your own ship. Go with the waves and avoid going “full steam ahead” all the time.

6. Keep pleasing everyone but not yourself


Too many people worry about what someone else thinks of them. If you spend your life trying to please everyone else, you’ll never please the most important person: you. Don’t worry about following the crowd. Do things for you and you alone.

If you love knitting, find a unique pattern and knit your day away. If you love pottery, create beautiful handmade pieces that you can give as gifts. Show off what you love! Chances are, more and more people will follow in your example.

7. Forget the importance of being healthy

Your body and mind rely on your good health. Work towards becoming a better version of you every day. If you’re overweight, start doing small exercises to get you back on track. If you’re addicted to smoking, try to limit yourself to a few cigarettes a day until you can go a full day without any.

If you don’t pay attention to how your body is feeling, it will shut down. Mental, physical and emotional health should be worked on each and every day. Start small and work your way up.

8. Keep clutter with youDeclutter your life

If you feel like your life is cluttered all the time, rearrange everything! Go through your home and move furniture around. Go through your computer and delete files you no longer need. Use space-saving techniques to make more room in your home.

Work on decluttering your life at least two or three times every month. If you want to declutter your mind, you must first declutter your life. That’s so powerful I’ll say it again:

If you want to declutter your mind, you must first declutter your life.

9. Not do the right things at the right time

Throughout your life you will learn that there is a time and place for everything. There are times where you should act immediately. These times include (but are certainly not limited to) going shopping when you run out of food, continuing your education (even if you believe you know everything there is to know) and getting to work on time.

There are also times where you need to rest. These times include (but again are not limited to) after a long day at work, after exercising and after a hard day. So many people believe that working harder and pushing yourself will keep you from becoming lazy. The truth is, you need a lazy day every now and again. Your brain will turn into mush if you work it too hard! Give yourself (and your brain) a rest.

10. Trapped by your fears

This is something that everybody struggles with. Facing your fears is harder than it looks on your favorite TV show. It takes a lot of courage, guts, and knowledge to do. If someone is hurting you, confront them. If they refuse to listen to you, cut them out of your life. Do not allow a bully to rule your mind.

Don’t wait for the answers to fall into your lap. Be an adult and stand up for yourself (and others) when you need to. You have the ability and strength to fight your demons, you just need to look around.

What do you think you need to do in order to stop feeling so drained? Have you tried anything from the list above? Did it work? Let me know in the comments below!

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Top 5 Easy-to-Use Accounting Software for Small Businesses

Top 5 Easy-to-Use Accounting Software for Small Businesses

Finding the right accounting software for your business can be a tough decision. Software that works for one company, might not work for the other. A great deal of finding the right fit depends on the size of the company, the income flow, level of experience of the individual completing the accounting duties, and company budget. If you have a new business, you might want to try a few programs before you find the right one for you. Below are 5 of the more popular easy-to-use programs in the small business realm, and each offer their own special features for various needs.

1. SlickPie

SlickPie is an online accounting software program that is tailored for smaller businesses. The software is completely online, making it accessible from almost anywhere. It offers online invoices, allowing the user to either use one of the pre-set themes or offering a program that allows users to customize the look of their invoices. Along with online invoicing, the program offers online billing and document management. Through SlickPie, users can produce financial reports to monitor business growth. The software also offers tax management services. Another plus is cost, as it is completely free.

SlickPie relies on automation, offering features that allow companies to send out automatic payment reminders and auto-invoices. SlickPie is also the only no-cost accounting program to offer automated data entry, through its tool, MagicBot.

2. QuickBooks Online

A product of Intuit, QuickBooks has long been heralded as the go-to accounting software for small businesses. Two different versions of QuickBooks exist, including an online format, as well as a licensed version. The program offers easy, online access to all of your customers, vendors, and employee records.

Any user who purchases the online version of QuickBooks has access to free customer service as well. You can test out the program through a 30-day free trial and, after the trial expires, at a minimal monthly cost.

QuickBooks offers accounts payable and accounts receivable services. Users can also send out billing and invoicing to customers online. Unlike other accounting software programs, collections and fixed asset management are also offered. Additionally, QuickBooks also provides cash management.

3. Sage 50

Formally known as Sage Peachtree, Sage 50 is an accounting program commonly used by small to mid-sized businesses. The program offers accounts payable and accounts receivable services, bank reconciliation, and cash management. Users can also bill and invoice directly to customers through online services. Payroll and employee management is another feature of the program and is widely used by smaller and mid-sized businesses.

The program also allows the users to create and maintain a general business ledger. Sage comes at a monthly cost of $29.95 per month, with customer service being a part of this cost.

4. Kashoo

Kashoo is an accounting software program offered through the Apple App Store for iPad, iPhone, and web use. The format of this program is through the cloud and is widely used by smaller businesses already using any Apple product. The program allows small business owners to send invoices, manage finances, enter in expenses, and generate reports from the comfort of their own mobile device.

Accounts receivable and accounts payable are available through Kashoo, as well as cash management, CPA firms, and bank reconciliation. Users will be able to track expenses and income, and they will also be able to bill and invoice customers directly online. Payroll services are available, as well as spend and tax management services. One especially unique feature is Kashoo’s ability to enter handle multi-currency expenses.

Apple does offer a free trial for this program, with the starting monthly cost of $12.95 per month. Training is offered live online as well as through webinar format. Support is available online during business hours.

5. Xero

Xero is a program that both small business owners and accountants utilize. This online program can be utilized through mobile devices, like Kashoo, as well as via computer.

Users can process invoices and send out billing statements directly online. These can be done through pre-set templates or custom creation. You can handle payroll, including payroll taxes through the program. Xero does also have the capability to convert data directly from QuickBooks. Over 500 tools are available to allow the user to customize the program to their company’s specific needs.

Users can also reconcile multiple bank or credit accounts. Data is offered through a single ledger, which is a feature that makes it easy for users and accountants to collaborate and work together. Xero also supports multiple currencies.


It is not a “one size fits all” concept. Research your options, test what works for you, and you will find the right fit for your company. Take advantage of the free trials and demos out there, as well as reviews found all over the Web. Connect with other business owners in your line of work and see what works for them. However, most importantly, look at what features you need and what features you do not need. Line up those needs with one of the programs above, and you will find the right one for you.

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10 Lessons I've Learned Since Becoming A Mom


The college days of me dreaming about becoming a famous actress have long gone and has been replaced by me settling into my new and exciting permanent role as a mom! It’s been quite the adjustment, starting from pregnancy to body changes, life adjustments, failed expectations, harsh realities, and painful moments. But even through the struggles that sometimes makes its way into being a mom, the moments are appreciated because they come with beautiful meaning. However, if you’re at all like I was in the beginning and can’t see the beautiful meaning, you’re definitely not alone.

Below are 10 lessons I learned from being a mom. I hope this resonates with you and you find comfort that we’re all in this together!

1. Getting pregnant is just the beginning!
After years of doing everything possible to avoid getting pregnant, I suddenly found myself wanting to be a mom. As it turns out, trying to get pregnant can be its own challenge. The thought of becoming pregnant and actively trying to get pregnant are very emotionally draining. Additionally, if you’re working full time and trying to keep a social life in check, it can become just another task on the daily to-do list. Some parents suffer from infertility and that’s even bigger undertaking when trying to conceive. But once you get pregnant, you realize how pregnancy is only the beginning.

The lesson: Don’t stress! Don’t compare yourself to other women or couples that didn’t seem to struggle or plan for a pregnancy, but managed to get pregnant. Don’t get discouraged or feel as if you’re being punished. Your time will come and if it’s not meant to happen for you biologically, think about adoption and fertility treatments. Hey, you might even decide that planning for a family is not your thing. Some couples are childless and happy!

2. Once you’re pregnant, everyone will have an opinion!
It’s funny how everyone feels the need to express their opinions. For me, it was especially aggravating because we did not find out the sex of our baby until after the birth. Additionally, I had no news to report since I didn’t suffer from any physical ailments, except for swollen feet towards the very end of my pregnancy. For the most part, I wanted my pregnancy to be MY experience before anyone else and didn’t feel the need to broadcast every detail. I found that some people actually felt entitled to know everything. Others felt a need to remind me that I could still miscarry – yup, thanks!

The lesson: Opinions are just opinions. Some people feel the need to scare new mommies because that’s how they were treated. Other kind souls will wish you well and some will disregard everything, to each their own. Just remember not to take it personally.

3. You will change.
We all know we physically change and whether we get back to our “old” pre-pregnancy body isn’t the point. We change physically, but we also change emotionally. We suddenly care A LOT about someone else. We become a mom by providing a safe world for our babies from day one. We sympathize with other moms who struggle and look tired, we celebrate each other’s triumphs, and we understand the juggling it takes to build and maintain a household.

The lesson: Even if you can fit into those old jeans, revel in the fact that you’re not the same. You’re a better version of yourself and your children will help you grow, learn, and mature more than any other person will. Embrace it.

4. No amount of baby books, research, or advice will prepare you.
Although we wish to be extremely prepared (getting the best crib, researching the best stroller, visiting the daycare options etc.), there isn’t a way to 100% prepare for parenthood. The sleep deprivation isn’t like the deprivation you experienced after a night of partying or during college, cramming for finals – it’s real deprivation. Deprivation to the point of hallucination. There’s no preparation because it’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.

The lesson: A relief. You can’t test out parenting or do a sample session and think you’ve got it. You’ve got to do it all the way. Once you have all those perfect supplies and tools in place, then all you can do is take it day by day. Each family is different, but there’s comfort in knowing that being a good mom means doing what is best for your family.

5. Expect the unexpected – always!
I have been blessed with a first child that is very unpredictable. He is also extremely sweet, fun, energetic, intuitive, and amazing. For example, our journey with breastfeeding was extremely difficult, but we persevered by seeking support. I didn’t expect such a challenge ahead, but once I realized I had to work harder, I stepped up. Additionally, all those situations – including when he pooped through his onesies or spit up on other people or the dreadful crying through the bewitching hours of the night – became glimpses of the surprises ahead. As a former manager in retail (who’s always in charge and a bit controlling), I was taken aback with this sudden craziness, but in the end, I learned to let go and revel in the fact that I had no control.

The lesson: Live your life! Enjoy the chaos and use it as a learning tool! This is a chance to learn under pressure and use the fight or flight intuition we are so blessed with. This is the beauty of challenge: it passes and you learn!

6. Your child’s father may or may NOT be a great parent.
The truth for married women is that we married our man because we love them. It’s can sometimes be a different story when husbands become fathers though. I truly believe that it’s all learned, so if your husband did not have a great example of a father growing up, you might unfortunately deal with that repercussion. Truthfully, I’m a teacher in many ways, so I use this experience to help my husband grow and not lose sight of what life is about. Some men inevitably drift away, and the sooner you realize that, the better. For me, in my household, we are spiritual and we believe in prayer. Find what works to keep the marriage alive.

The lesson: After 15 years of knowing my husband and 5 years of being married, I still can’t say that I know everything about love and relationships, but I do know that it takes work. Remember to be a wife/companion first and foremost, and remind yourself that women are naturally better at some things. Additionally, seek a support system and execute goals and expectations.

7. Perfect babies do not exist.
Our children’s health and internal well-being isn’t always a given. Colic, allergies, ear infections, autism, jaundice, heart conditions, vision problems – you name it – our babies can come with health problems or even hereditary ailments and it sucks! Some are lifelong and others are temporary. As the mother to a special needs child, I know better than most that perfect babies don’t exist, but you’ll love your child all the same. I won’t allow my child’s journey through it to dictate our happiness.

The lesson: Research, find the BEST doctor, join some support groups, ask for prayers, get out more, and live! Unfortunately, a lifelong diagnosis can be very difficult to accept, but once you do, it becomes easier to be a warrior and the support system your child needs.

8. You might enjoy the little things more!
Because you don’t necessarily have the time or space to carve out alone time for yourself, you really cherish the moments that you do. How awesome is it to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee at your leisure? Or going out alone? Or even using the bathroom in peace? It’s actually awesome to enjoy life like this because as your former childless self, you might have never seen the beauty in life’s simplest moments because you never truly appreciated them for what they were. Plus, having the energy to do anything might feel amazing for a change!

The lesson: Everyday is awesome and every challenge is an opportunity! If you felt stuck, alone, or depressed, that’s also normal. Know that this too shall pass and it will! Just think, you carried a human inside your body and became a mother to a beautiful child through a miracle/adoption. How amazing is life? For the moms in need of a little more help, reach out to a friend, family, or babysitter!

9. You will become your child(s) biggest supporter!
Moms know best. We are blessed with this ability to know our children and help them in life. I can attest that I feel deeply connected to my sons, without even having to speak to them. The depth of our bond and connection is beautiful. So, don’t be afraid to say “no” to others’ suggestions or thoughts. At the same time, don’t be shy to recognize when your input isn’t needed or if you’re wrong. Maybe your kids know best too.

The lesson: You are your child’s strength! They felt comfort in your arms from day one and look up to you! Be the voice and example you would want or the support you never had in a parent, but always wanted.

10. You will find purpose.
Maybe you had an immense amount of purpose before having a baby, maybe you always longed to be a mother, maybe you happened to become a mother without any effort – whatever brought you to this reality might have given you purpose or reinforced the purpose you already felt. For me, I feel an incredible amount of joy watching my kids grow. I also feel a need to use my time as a stay-at-home mom to make crafts, cook/bake, and continue to be a great wife/friend/sister, etc. Whatever passion you have as a mother gives you purpose and will also bring you happiness, ability, and peace.

The lesson: Follow your passion and do it willingly and happily. Be the best version of yourself. Don’t forget about your sanity and joy. Let your “yes” be your “yes” and your “no” be your “no”!

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Top Seven Drag and Drop Website Builders for Your Business


Building a professional website used to involve a lot of HTML coding and web design. It was a difficult (not to mention expensive) process that was reserved for the geniuses in programming and web developing. Before, if business owners wanted to start their own sites and establish their presence online, they had to hire these professionals to do the work. Now times have changed, and with the development of technology come tools that make this process more efficient.

What are drag-and-drop website builders?

Drag-and-drop website builders are essentially software that visually create web pages through a publishing program. The pages are designed using a graphical user interface (GUI) while the layout and CSS code are created through generated HTML code. The process involves dragging web page elements (hence, the name “drag and drop”) to create the layout of your site. This makes the whole process of web building very fast and easy. With this, anyone can create a customized website of his own.

In this article I’m going to share some of the best drag-and-drop website builders with the perfect tools for anyone wanting to have his or her own site set up today.


The finest cloud-based platform for web building, Wix currently helps millions of users around the globe. First established in 2006, Wix was created with a simple site builder that can be used by people who have little to no knowledge in programming. Wix offers gorgeous-looking templates that will help you set up a professional-looking website in less than a day.

Wix currently hosts free and pre-paid subscription plans. Most of the prices covered in paid plans already include hosting, domain name, service support, and integration with Google Analytics. You can view Wix’s premium plans to see more of their features.

2. Weebly

Founded in 2007, Weebly is regarded as one of the most user-friendly drag-and-drop website builders. Users simply need to select a theme from their collection and use the drag-and-drop feature to create their preferred layout. You can use Weebly to start an e-commerce store, personal blog, or business website. Weebly’s paid plans come with an email address and personalized domain with reliable hosting and a vast collection of customizable professional templates and themes. You can visit Weebly’s website to learn more about how they can help you.

3. SquareSpace

As another fast growing professional website builder, Squarespace is the go-to web builder for owners wanting to start their first business website. Like Weebly and Wix, SquareSpace also comes with an easy drag-and-drop interface for people with no prior coding experience. With Squarespace you can easily design your site without the need to write a single line of code. Square Space has 24/7 support specialists that will respond within minutes to any problem. To learn more about Squarespace, you can read user reviews of Square Space platform.

4. Jimdo

Launched in 2007 by a team of German developers, Jimdo is a web hosting service that offers free and premium services for consumers all over the globe. Jimdo’s free service allows users to create a basic online store with a maximum of five items. A popular choice for small businesses, Jimdo is one of the best website builders that offers good e-commerce functionality.

Jimdo has a great free platform that can provide you the best tools to build a functional site. Credit card information is not required before signing up for a free account. To learn more about their pricing visit their website here.

5. Yola

Grow your site with Yola. Yola is a website builder that has been around for almost ten years. Unlike other website builders, Yola is often reviewed as clunky and disorganized. Despite this, Yola has a user-friendly appearance and provides great support for their new customers. They’re also quite cheaper with plans starting at $59.40 per year. Yola Silver and Gold plans have more features including a Facebook publishing tool, SEO optimization, and directory submissions. For examples of their custom site and templates, visit Yola’s gallery here.


Webs is a good web builder if you’re looking for easy-to-use and practical tools in web building. It helps users build a website from scratch without having to write a single line of code. Webs has a lot of good features including mobile optimization, blog features, and data analytics. has fair and competitive pricing plans and is great for businesses whose focus is mobile-friendly platforms.

7. Moonfruit

Launched back in 2000, Moon-fruit was one of the first website builders that quickly became one of the most popular places to create a website. Moonfruit is cheap and offers good blogging tools for people who wish to incorporate a blog on their website. Like Wix, Moonfruit uses HTLM 5 technology. It has an easy mobile site conversion process and a good online file storage system for reusing content and batch image uploading.

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4 Online Courses Which You Can Take Now To Increase Your Income


Having multiple streams of income are important to generate passive income. More and more people are either opting for freelancing as a full-time career or doing it on a part-time basis to increase their income. One of the most important dreams for many of us is to have financial freedom and true financial freedom is only achieved once we develop multiple streams of passive income. Having income from multiple streams makes it easier for many to achieve the illusive dream of financial freedom and have more choices in life.

Here are some of the courses you take now to learn new skills and increase your income:

1. Photography Courses

Probably the easiest courses you can do is photography courses and sell your photos to stock companies like 123rf and Shutterstock. Photography courses are important in the sense that they are easier to complete and require minimum investment from your side. Besides learning photography courses, you can also learn some other courses related to photography such as Photoshop to learn to edit of pictures and enhance them. Many photographers are not good at using software, therefore, if you can even learn something like Photoshop, you can earn a lot.

2. Social Media Management Courses

Managing social media on behalf of small businesses is really a lucrative business. Many small business owners want their presence on social media but either they do not have the time or do not know much about social media. By learning how to manage social media on behalf of your clients, you can earn a lot every month. You can find many interesting courses on how to manage social media on behalf of your clients on Udemy.

3. Personal Trainer Courses

If you are a fitness junkie or can coach anyone as you have relevant industry experience, you can easily learn personal trainer courses. Places like Discovery Learning are good sources to learn more about personal trainer courses and how you can improve or further refine your personal training courses. If you can become great at personal training, you can become a celebrity trainer also or offer personal training courses to busy professionals. Your overall breadth of personal trainer courses can be great because right from teaching yoga to meditation and fitness, you can cover a large range of clientele through personal training courses.

4. Freelance Writing Courses

Your English writing skills may be great but doing freelance writing is bit different. Freelance writing requires proper research, client management, marketing and other skills.

You can earn a lot of money through freelance writing services by selling your services on sites like Fiverr and Upwork. Before you join any of these sites, you need to sharpen your writing skills besides learning how to find clients, interact with them and get repeated work. For this, you need to properly understand and learn how freelancing works and may need to take an online course before you commit yourself to this. Freelance writing can be done both as full time and part time basis but before you opt for this, do some freelance writing training and improve your skills in different areas as freelance writing is not just limited to writing only.

Above are some simple ways of improving your skills and becoming better at what you already know. You can easily earn a lot of money and supplement your lifestyle by first improving your own skills and then helping others to improve their skills too.

Just focus on how you can improve your skills and invest time and a little bit of money to learn new skills and pass on your knowledge and skills to others so that they can improve their lives too.

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5 Of The Most Effective Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy


Who does not dream of having long, thick, and healthy hair? Both men and women alike want to get and keep their hair in great shape. Healthy hair is strong, silky, and smooth. Thick, alluring hair that shines bright and makes people look neat and tidy is the kind of hair health most people always struggle to achieve.

Want that long, silky hair for yourself? This kind of hair is often exaggerated for promotional purposes in commercials for hair products and hair care, but the hair of your dreams is still very attainable in real life as well. Here we take a look at some of the most proven and effective ways to keep your hair healthy.

1. Give Your Hair A Trim

Ensure you get your hair regularly trimmed. Have it trimmed by a professional barber or stylist. Short hair should be trimmed every 4 to 8 weeks, while the recommended time period for trimming for medium to long hair is 6 to 12 weeks. If going the professional route is not your preference, it is possible to do it yourself at home with a little bit of practice. All you need is a pair of scissors to get you started with your at-home trims.

Hair trimming aids the hair with its growth. It might sound counterproductive, but this is very true. This is because regular trims help remove damaged hair and split ends, promoting further hair growth from the roots. Trimming your ends will make your hair softer and more flexible, thereby preventing breakage.

2. Cleanse With Shampoo And Conditioner

It is very important to shampoo your hair because it helps clean your scalp. When you shampoo, pay attention to the scalp and not the ends of your hair. You should also know the right amount of shampoo to use, depending on the length of your hair.

This is because over applying shampoo makes the hair dry by removing all the essential oils responsible keeping your hair moisturized and giving it that natural luster. How frequently you need to wash your hair will vary based on its texture, but once or twice a week is perfect for most people.

Condition your hair using a high quality conditioner after shampooing to revitalize your strands with moisture. Dry your wet hair with a clean towel before applying a conditioner. Apply the conditioner with special focus on the ends of the hair and not on the roots.

3. Good Diet

This is probably the most effective and important way of keeping your hair healthy. Vitamins, protein, and iron found in certain foods are very essential for hair growth. The hair cells need these nutrients for growth.

They also give hair its natural sheen. We recommend that you incorporate iron-rich foods such as fish, beans, soybeans and vegetables into your daily diet. You should also include protein-rich sources, such as milk, peas, and lentils.

Drink plenty of water daily to reinforce the work you are doing with your diet. Keeping yourself hydrated means healthy skin, nails, and of course, hair.

4. Apply Hair Oils

This is a common way of promoting healthy hair growth. It is a very traditional way of ensuring a healthy looking hair. It works by regulating the amount of oil produced by the oil gland in the skin of your head.

The oil produced then moisturizes the hair and the scalp. Try applying a little coconut, almond, or olive oil to your scalp and strands regularly. If you have thin/straight hair, apply an essential oil like coconut oil to your hair before shampoos and skip the regular applications. Your hair type is more susceptible to oil, so an overabundance of oil will make it appear weighed down. If you have kinky/dry hair, apply oil when hair is wet to seal in moisture. Because your hair tends to be drier, oil helps the hair retain its moisture, keeping it from breakage. You won’t believe the results: soft, manageable, healthy hair. I assure you that you won’t be disappointed.

5. Handle Hair With Care

You need to handle your hair with a lot of care. Use a brush with wide bristles to comb your hair. Wet hair should be combed gently as strands are very weak compared to dry hair. Handle strands with great care to ensure you do not overstretch them, causing breakage in the process. Brush your hair daily, preferably twice a day and do the brushing from the bottom up.

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