Sunday, October 30, 2016

Rosewood JeddahElegant design, outstanding cuisine, and an...

Rosewood Jeddah

Elegant design, outstanding cuisine, and an unrivalled level of hospitality come together to provide guests at Rosewood Jeddah with a remarkable experience.

Located on the shores of the Red Sea, this luxurious Saudi Arabian hotel boasts 127 rooms and suites, all complete with state-of-the-art entertainment, lavish marble bathrooms, and 24-hour butler service. The exquisite suites are sumptuously furnished with stunning handmade pieces, and offer separate lounges and panoramic views of the city and the sea beyond.

In terms of dining, there are four restaurants on the premises, as well as a handful of Private Dining Suites. The icing on the cake is the outdoor rooftop swimming pool with heart-stopping 360° views.


Grand Hyatt New YorkSituated in the happening Midtown district,...

Grand Hyatt New York

Situated in the happening Midtown district, just across from Grand Central Terminal, Grand Hyatt New York treats its guests to in-room spa services and a 24-hour fitness center.

Modern and comfortable, the rooms blend sleek, trendy design with present-day amenities, while the plush suites come with separate dining and seating areas, as well as access to the exclusive Grand Club.

New York Central, the hotel’s stylish, contemporary restaurant serves creative Western European cuisine, and the glamorous lounge next door invites you to mingle over cocktails.


Adult Life Is Full Of Irony, But You Can Choose To Live It At Your Own Pace


When we were kids, we couldn’t wait to reach the adulthood where all the things seemed awesome, like not having to wait for pocket money, or go to bed early. However, when we finally reached that desired age, we see that it’s not always so awesome and that there are much more responsibilities than we thought. You earn your money, but don’t have time to spend it. You go to bed late because of being busy, but you want to sleep early.

A talented artist Shenanigansen from Massachusetts brilliantly illustrates everyday struggles of growing up. Yet, all those seemingly serious problems and dilemmas can be overcome if you decide to consider them from a different point of view. Yes, there are some situations that seem like an ironic twist, but in every such situation there is a lesson to learn which can help you at some point in your life.

1. Approach every situation as a new lesson

Whatever life throws at you, don’t beat up yourself thinking there’s no way out. Every situation can either bring something positive, and even if it’s something you would rather not go through and just give up, hang on, you will definitely learn a valuable lesson.


2. Start you mornings by doing things you love

Don’t start your day thinking about the problems, rather think about what you can do to make yourself feel better, and solutions will come to you. Play your favorite music while drinking coffee, or read a few pages of your favorite book, maybe do some exercise, and you will feel packed with positive emotions and energy.


3. Find people you have common interests with

It might seem harder to make friends as an adult. Yet, you are now at the age when you know what things interest you. Therefore, try to make friends who share your interests. Attend concerts of your favorite musicians, go to book clubs, go to dancing classes; there will sure be someone you can become close friends with.


4. Happiness is just a corner away

Happiness is not some big unachievable abstraction. It shouldn’t feel as a struggle, but rather an enjoyable process. Start with finding joy and happiness in small things, such as drinking coffee with friends, watching your favorite TV show, buying a new book. When you start appreciating small things, bigger reasons for happiness will surely come.


5. Take at least 15 minutes each day to unwind

Stressing out brings you no good, that’s why it is a good thing to take 15 minutes each day to unwind – meditate, take a longer bath with candles and a glass of wine, or simply lie down and relax your body.


6. Take care of your body

Stop making excuses for not taking care of your health. There’s no time like the present. Take care about what you eat, and you will start to feel better and have more energy.


7. Motivation can bring you a long way

Even if you are doing something you don’t like, and you feel like it would be better to just quit and run away, motivate yourself by doing something you really like, but only after you’ve finished your task. There’s no better feeling when you finish something you were putting off for a long time.


8. Be the best version of yourself

Don’t make yourself feel bad by comparing yourself to other people, we are all unique and you should try to do the best of your abilities, otherwise, you will never be satisfied.


9. Talk about what troubles you

It is always easier when you share your worries with someone else. They might have been in a similar situation and can provide you with a great advice from their own experience, or just be there to support you through the rough patch.


10. Every problem has a solution

The sooner you deal with what’s troubling you, the better you will feel, and will overcome obstacles in the future more easily.


11. Problems = challenges

You can place the blame for your problems on someone/something else, but they are only problems if you treat them that way. Start looking at problems as chances for personal growth.


12. Don’t be a slave to material things

It’s OK to treat yourself to some new piece of clothing or a fresh new gadget, but don’t let this desire for material go too deep. Learn to appreciate and be grateful for all non-material things, such as good health, love, family and friendship bonds.


13. Everything is not what it looks like online

It may seem that your friends have a perfect life on social media. However, bear in mind that reality is often different and try spending less time online and more time enjoying life outside social media.


14. Love yourself

Write down all the positive traits you like about yourself; you can also ask your friends or family to do the same, and every time you feel down, just read it, and you will immediately feel better.


15. Don’t run away from responsibilities

Responsibilities will catch up with you no matter how fast you run – the sooner you face them, the better you will feel.


The post Adult Life Is Full Of Irony, But You Can Choose To Live It At Your Own Pace appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

Doing These 4 Simple Things Can Hugely Improve Your Digestion


When we have poor digestion, our bodies come under great strain because the nutrients in our food aren’t getting to our every point of our body efficiently and our health can start to suffer. The most common problems are tiredness and chronic fatigue, nutrient deficiency that leads to all sorts of nuanced ailments and even premature ageing.

If you want to take action towards knowing how to improve digestion, we need to be more mindful of what we are eating and drinking. Creating optimal eating habits is the key to our overall well-being and will allow our digestion to work at peak performance.

How Can We Improve Our Digestion?

While the conscious choice of the types of food we put into our body is a major influence on our digestion, there are other habits that can help facilitate our digestion and give it a bit of support:

1. Good Posture

People who practice yoga are much less likely to suffer from digestive problems and this is down to posture. When we have bad posture (slouched shoulders, hunched back), we are effectively squashing down our digestive area and not providing it with optimal space to function properly. By opening up our shoulders and straightening our back, especially during and right after we eat, we are creating enough space for our digestive organs and not adding extra pressure which will improve overall digestion.


2. Avoid Drinking Fluids While Eating

While it’s great to drink plenty of water throughout the day, drinking during meals and straight afterwards can be detrimental to our digestion. The digestive enzymes in our saliva are crucial for helping to break down the foods that go into our digestive system while also preparing the food by killing natural bacteria. When we drink water, our mouths automatically produce less saliva and so not as much is produced leading to a less efficient digestion process.

Drinking water during meals and right after, also dilutes the much-needed stomach acid that breaks down the food and pulling out all the lovely nutrients our body needs. We don’t want our digestion to work under more pressure and not being as efficient as it can be, so step away from the water until at least an hour after you’ve had your meal.

3. Mindful Eating

Our body and mind are intrinsically connected and this has gone towards a rise in popularity for mindfulness. How we think and feel directly affects our bodies and this also goes for our digestive system. When was the last time you really thought about what you were eating? Really felt the textures and tasted all the flavours? Our busy, modern lives have given us a plethora of choice together with fast, convenient ways of eating which takes away the importance of appreciating and being grateful for the food in front of us.

Using all our senses while eating puts us in a state of slowing down and really allows us to take in the amazing varieties of flavours and even how we feel. Together with taste and smell, really feel the food in your mouth, be mindful of chewing well, think about the body’s amazing ability to convert your food into energy and health while all you do is sit there! This connection between the mind and the body can promote a more healthy digestive process.


4. Relax When You Eat

Continuing on from the mind-body connection, creating a relaxed environment and being in a calm state will also cause your whole body to relax; creating an optimal digestive process. Many people are calling the digestive tract the “second brain” because it’s so sensitive to emotional states.

Never underestimate the mind’s role in how physically healthy you can be. Having a great mindset and attitude towards your eating habits and having full appreciation for the magical way our bodies are able to work will create a much healthy and happy life. Understanding how to improve digestion is all down to creating good and healthy eating habits!


Infographic: The Key to a Healthy Brain Is a Healthy Digestive System | Bimuno

The post Doing These 4 Simple Things Can Hugely Improve Your Digestion appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack