Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Walmart Worker Gets Written Complaints From Management

HelpMeViz: DataViz Community Feedback for Your Charts

HelpMeViz: DataViz Community Feedback for Your Charts

Dr. Hug : Thermometer Bracelet for Baby

Being a parent means that we are responsible for baby’s well being. Dr. Hug is a small bracelet specially designed to allow you tracking of your baby’s condition 24 hours a day, in real time. This gadget is attached to the baby’s body and it’ll check the temperature continuously, sending crucial information to any smart devices you have setup.

A thermometer is used when a child is ill and you need to measure the body temperature, unfortunately, existing thermometer only provides us with temperature information, nothing more. This device provides more than just temperature, it offers different data with advice based on the temperature level through your smart phone or tablet, thanks to the custom app. You get to see all data along with detailed analysis to take better care of your baby.

Designer : Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug Bracelet for Baby by Jaehyuk Lee

Dr. Hug : Thermometer Bracelet for Baby is originally posted on Tuvie - Modern Industrial Design

Parenting Fail Your questions answered

The Bottled Smoke Artworks of Jim Dingilian

Jim Dingilian creates incredible subtractive images from bottles filled with smoke. The artist begins by coating the bottles’ inner surfaces with smoke. He then uses brushes and small implements mounted on the ends of dowels to reach inside. With a steady hand, Jim slowly and selectively erases certain areas. The smoke which remains on the glass forms the amazing images seen below.

The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall

The Institute for Computational Design at the University of Stuttgart have completed the Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall in Gmünd, Germany, that has been significantly designed and built using robotics.

You can watch a ‘making of’ video – here.




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Project description

The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall is an architectural prototype building and a showcase for the current developments in computational design and robotic fabrication for lightweight timber construction. Funded by the European Union and the state of Baden-Württemberg, the building is the first to have its primary structure entirely made of robotically prefabricated beech plywood plates. The newly developed timber construction offers not only innovative architectural possibilities; it is also highly resource efficient, with the load bearing plate structure being just 50mm thin. This is made possible through integrative computational design, simulation, fabrication and surveying methods.

The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall was conceived at the University of Stuttgart as part of the “Robotics in Timber Construction” research project and realized in collaboration with Müllerblaustein Holzbau GmbH, Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH, the forest administration of Baden-Württemberg (ForstBW) and KUKA Robotics GmbH. The project demonstrates the new opportunities that arise from the integration of computational design, simulation and fabrication methods for performative and resource efficient constructions made from the locally available and renewable resource wood. The building introduces an innovative, robotically fabricated lightweight timber plate construction system made of beech plywood. It was developed at the Institute for Computational Design (ICD, Prof. Achim Menges), the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE, Prof. Jan Knippers), and the Institute of Engineering Geodesy (IIGS, Prof. Volker Schwieger) and realized in collaboration with Müllerblaustein Holzbau GmbH. The building is part of the biannual Landesgartenschau, where it hosts an exhibition by ForstBW.

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Photography by © Roland Halbe and © ICD/ITKE/IIGS University of Stuttgart