Monday, April 21, 2014

The PlayRoom by WeNew Innovation

WeNew Innovation have designed the PlayRoom, a functional space where children play while receiving wellness therapies.






Project description

To envision this project the designers have studied children behavior and translate the naturalness of the child into the space interaction: the toys are made in the own interactive architecture. The project concept was born from the trend of time valorization combined with wellcare, so while kids play, treatments – such as color therapy, music therapy, aromatherapy and reflexology – are happening in a natural and organic way. “I believe that children learn fast and, more and more, they learn in different ways. They discover things by playing and learn by discovering” says Michelle Souza, UX Designer and co-founder of WeNew Innovation. “Each interaction with the different parts of the space provides new discoveries and it offers alternative forms of wellbeing” says Vivian Grieco, Strategic Designer and co-founder.

The interactive experiences of the space are:

Piano Suvinil Colors

Interactive floor with the new color palette of Suvinil (leading paint company in Brazil). Each key of the piano, when stepped, sounds a note of piano that corresponds to a color, according to the color therapy study.

Interactive Wall Paint

With a simple simulating movement with the hand facing the wall, the child can paint and re-paint the wall in a virtual and interactive way.

Parents&Children Move

A pair of swings were built to be the audience “seats” of the kids show stage. Once the parents seats and swings it, the mechanical energy of swinging it is transformed into electrical energy, lighting the spotlights that illuminate the child on stage. The proposal behind this action is encouraging parents interaction (audience) and children (show).

Multi-Therapeutic Niche

Cushioned niches where kids can relax and feel the blends of essential oils, color therapy, and binaural hearing therapies that induce creativity, relax or energizing.

The Play Room was shown at Casa Cor, São Paulo (Brazil).

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Design: WeNew Innovation

Photography by Flavia Faustino

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SUDACA Electric Urban Vehicle

SUDACA Electric Urban Vehicle

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SUDACA Electric Urban Vehicle

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