Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The 20 Coolest Christmas Trees of 2012

The people of Brussels, the capital of Belgium, may well think that they have the coolest Christmas tree of 2012.  This abstract light installation has somewhat usurped tradition, as a 65ft pine tree from the forests of the Ardennes usually takes pride of place in the city's central square, the Grand Place.  Of course, depending on taste you may hate this seasonal replacement, which many Belgians have dubbed The Pharmacy because of the resemblance it bears to the green cross outside chemists the world over.

Yet is it truly the coolest Christmas tree of 2012? We have scoured the globe for trees, from the traditional to the ultra-modern which might compete against the Brussels tree if there were a Coolest Christmas tree competition. See what you think of our yuletide discoveries.


Washington DC, USA

Montrouge, Paris, France

King's Road, London, England

The Alamo, Texas, USA

Madrid, Spain

Columbia, Missouri, USA

Taichung, Taiwan

Las Vegas, USA

Rome, Italy

Covent Garden, London, England

Honeysuckle, New South Wales, Australia

Long Beach, California, USA

Moncalieri, Italy

Navy Pier, Chicago, USA

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Brussels, Belgium

Metropolitan Museum of the Arts, New York City, USA

...and finally...

Halifax, England

Have we neglected your own coolest Christmas tree of 2012? Then let us know – send us an email with a picture of your tree please! We will be quite happy to post it up too!

First Image Credit Flickr User  Novae

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